Chris Hendriksen
Chris is at his best when he is working alongside entrepreneurs to build great companies. From their first day as CEO to executing on a long-term strategy, Chris is committed to pushing entrepreneurs to think bigger, grow faster, and be better leaders.
Prior to joining Pacific Lake, Chris was a searcher and CEO himself. He acquired VRI with his search fund partner, Andy Schoonover, in 2007 and led the company for more than a decade of rapid growth. During those 10 years as CEO, VRI grew revenue nearly 10x and grew equity value by more than 25x. But he is most proud of the team he built and the impact VRI had on hundreds of thousands of clients. Chris graduated from the University of Notre Dame and has an MBA from Stanford. He lives in Boston with his wife and children, and loves exploring new places whenever he can.
My first entrepreneurial moment was...
Starting a business to collect, store, and deliver rugs and appliances from college dorm rooms when students left for the summer and returned in the fall.
My weekend morning routine
Making breakfast and planning activities for the day with the fam.
An entrepreneur I admire is...
Tony Hsieh (Zappos)
Home is...
Where my hammock is.
My favorite quote is...
"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't — you're right." -Henry Ford
My favorite travel spot is...
Our summer adventure, moving to a different city every summer.
Looking to buy and build an extraordinary business?