Christina Rudolf

Vice President of Finance
Christina works on the finance and operations side of Pacific Lake. She makes sure things are running smoothly and effectively from an accounting, finance, and operations standpoint both internally for the Pacific Lake team and externally for stakeholders.
Christina began her career as an auditor at Deloitte and went on to work on the finance teams of Bain Capital and Altimeter Capital, both investment firms in the Boston area. She was most recently the controller at ImpactEleven. Christina is a Certified Public Accountant and holds a bachelor's degree in Economics-Accounting from College of the Holy Cross.

More about Christina

My first entrepreneurial moment was...
Working the front desk at my local church
My weekend morning routine
Teaching or taking a yoga class
An entrepreneur I admire is...
Kyle Leahy, CEO of Glossier
Home is...
Boston, Massachusetts
My favorite quote is...
"The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same" - Colin R. Davis
My favorite travel spot is...
Switzerland, where I spent most of my childhood & where much of my family still lives

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