Lindsay Feitler
Lindsay supports senior members of the Pacific Lake team with a variety of administrative responsibilities, as well as overseeing day-to-day operations at the Boston office.
Lindsay worked in higher education for eight years, most recently, at Tufts University. In her role, she provided administrative support while managing a team of employees through crisis response. She received a BA in Psychology from University of Massachusetts Amherst, and a MS from Northeastern University.
My first entrepreneurial moment was...
My weekend morning routine
Taking a barre class, and enjoying a cup of cold brew and a Union Square donut.
An entrepreneur I admire is...
Taylor Swift. She has carved her own path in the entertainment industry and paved the way for the next generation of female performers.
Home is...
Somerville, MA with my miniature dachshund Weasley and a good book.
My favorite quote is...
"When they go low, we go high." - Michelle Obama
My favorite travel spot is...
North Conway, New Hampshire. Twice a year, my family goes to North Conway- we stay at the same hotel, eat at the same restaurants, and shop the same strip. We love tradition!
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