Lindsey Gray
Lindsey leads Pacific Lake's operations and Value Creation Team, and works alongside the Partners and investment team on key strategic initiatives. She has spent her career supporting and investing in entrepreneurs and is in constant awe of their ambition and drive.
Lindsey was previously a Partner at Two Sigma Ventures, an early-stage venture capital fund. During her 5 years at TSV, Lindsey led the firm’s portfolio success strategy and team and worked closely with portfolio company CEOs to support their growth. Lindsey also ran the day-to-day operations of Two Sigma Ventures and was part of the Investment Committee. She received a BA from Connecticut College and an MBA from Harvard Business School.
My first entrepreneurial moment was...
Selling flowers (backyard weeds!) and charging admission to concerts (poorly sung Disney songs!) to my grandparents.
My weekend morning routine
Up early making waffles with my three daughters.
An entrepreneur I admire is...
Herb Kelleher. As the founder and CEO of Southwest Airlines, Herb believed the key to building a successful company was focusing on people and maintaining an employee-first company culture. And the company's track record under his leadership proved him right - after becoming a public company in 1971, Southwest Airlines was the best performing stock in the S&P 500 over the next thirty years and never had a money-losing year.
Home is...
Close enough to the ocean to get a great lobstah roll (with butter not mayo of course).
My favorite quote is...
"The road to success is always under construction." - Lily Tomlin
My favorite travel spot is...
Kyoto, Japan. I had the opportunity to study, live, and travel there during high school and college and was deeply impacted by those experiences. Kyoto's culture and natural beauty is truly unique and wonderful.
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